Penelope Rose Miller, CPCC, PCC

COACHING AIMS TO BRING ABOUT A POSITIVE SHIFT in any area which feels stuck or no longer true for you. I am a transformative coach; I see my work as helping others to leap over obstacles in their lives and rearrange beliefs which hold them back. Together, we design a more authentic life, working with intuitive guidelines.


I started my work in 2012 to become an accredited Co-Active Coach, CPCC. Many are unfamiliar with the term so  I have coined it Transformative Coaching, since that is the essence of the work. This work can be done in person at either of my coaching spaces: the Courageous Coaching Cottage or at the Portland Coaching Collective, of which I am a founding member.  About half of my clients live elsewhere in the world, so I also offer coaching via phone or zoom. In order to become a certified coach I have completed over 200 hours at the Coaching Teaching Institute in San Rafael, California. I went on to become accredited by the International Coaching Federation where I hold my current status as a Professional Certified Coach, PCC