Tending to the things

Today was a day like other days except today I was home all day because of the covid virus so it wasn’t quite like other days expect it was. I had more time today to make three teas and call back people I needed to get in touch with and get back on instagram to feel better connected and take two short walks and clean small spaces.

I started out tending to small spaces. I bathed my crystals in the bath and then rearranged them. I sprayed down the dining room table. I picked street flowers and put them in the guest bathroom. I burned incense in the hallway and I reheated chicken soup for lunch.

I realized that in my work as an spatial intuitive it is often the simple act of touching our things that makes our spaces feel awake and alive in a way they did not before our touching and tending. Sometimes you do not even need to make it look differently or purge a thing you just need to touch your things. You need to wake them out of trance and reset the energy in your space. In these ways we are engaged with a tangible object in an intangible way.
