Spruce came to me for a blurb on an article they were writing about Organizing

Here is what I wrote:

The thing I always notice about being in peoples homes is the state of their nervous system right off the bat, however it is not as straight forward as it sounds. For instance, it seems obvious that a cluttered space is an activated nervous system but it might actually be a shut down NS that cannot deal due to the overwhelm factor. Here a persons nervous system response to stress is to shut down even though that perpetuates the stress cycle. It is so much easier to work with it however when I explore with my client what is happening in their bodies. Through this biological lense it is less triggering, less personal and less shameful and we can begin with strategies for stress management to stay engaged with life.

Now a very tidy fresh space may make you think of a calm nervous system however it can be masking a hyper vigilant NS at work straightening and picking up anything that might lead to chaos or distraction. There is also a chance that the the home is presenting perfect but there are hidden cupboards or closets stuffed with all the exiles. Here we work with slowing down a tad and tending to all parts and working with some trust and softening.

When you can observe and learn about a person’s nervous system you not only help them create calm order in their space but also in their minds hearts and bodies. It becomes a beautiful dialogue for them to be in connection with and anchor into for the rest of their lives.